Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This temptation

"Sesame Donuts, bitches."  That's all my coworker said as he walked into the big meeting room and thunked down not one but two brimming boxes full of what I refer to as The White Death, right in front of me.  "I couldn't let you leave us on a sour note, after all."  Now in fairness, I have never ever turned down treats he's brought in in the past.  But this, this was my first real impromptu temptation since I began this saga of crankiness and glycemic indexes.  My eyes widened as I took in the cornucopia, veritably sparkling with confectioners sugar and glaze.  I don't really care much about sweets typically, but Sesame, well, that's a whole other kettle of horses of a different color.  I started babbling. "B-but, 19 p-pounds, almost 20...the points... the POINTS!"  Luckily one or two coworkers knew I was dieting and patted my shoulder as I slurped my tea to steady my nerves and to give myself a moment to think: Just this morning I had seen yet another week of adipose cells crying out as they languished away, almost 2 lbs worth of languishing in all.  I have been working HARD for this shit.  But I becalmed myself enough to realize that no, really,  you don't have to live in black and whites, one either full of donuts or none at all, I mean, come on man, pull it together, you live in the middle in ALL other things in your life, many that are way harder.  Gender, sexuality, prescribing practices, I am medial and flexible and adaptable in almost all areas and domains, so fuck this donut.  And fuck deprivation.  Moderation is harder, but sweeter when you make it your bitch.  That's right, say it with me: Respect the cruller, and TAME THE DONUT.  Thank you Joss, for your wisdom in this matter.  I tore a chocolate glazed into quarters and took one of them, amid jeers and misplaced encouragements to "just have the whole donut for the love of Pete, it's your last week here Jake!"  At first I expected to get pissed about that, but a strange serenity came over me.  I turned and held up the small serving of deliciousness, pointed to my shrinking gut and replied, "19 pounds, my babies. And THAT is how you do that."


  1. And I hope you savored that wonderful nugget of sweetness! Both the sweet doughnut and the sweet moment of success in maintaining balance! Indeed, that is how you do that! I'm proud of you resisting such a treat and for resisting your food-pushing coworkers. I'm also proud of you remembering that moderation, not deprivation, is the right path!

  2. @yeled dov: It's a process, to be sure. Thanks, bear o' my heart!
