Monday, April 11, 2011

This chemical journey

I have officially been deemed unsuccessful at my current dose of Hormone Fueled Emotional Lability.  My crotch doctor tested my iron levels (low, but I ain't dying just yet) and next week I begin a HNL of hormone therapy.  Apparently my mighty ovaries simply can't be beaten into complacence by the low dose shit.  I've been leaking hemoglobins for about 2 weeks solid at this point, and you know what? I have to admit that the luster has begun to wear thin.  I just can't get as excited as I was when this chemical journal began to enjoy fully the constant cramping, craving for meat to replenish my rapidly tanking hematocrit levels, and the constant feeling of always and forever needing a shower. They just don't make water, um, watery enough to make you feel clean during this level of rampant utero-spasm.

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