Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This conversation

In a lunchroom full of punchy, slightly bitter, highly snarky, community health workers:

Coworker #1: Hey Coworker #2, do you mind if I ask you how much you spent on your wedding? Because this couple spent 17 million bucks on theirs. (Brandishes cover of People magazine.)

Coworker #2: Oh, sure, I don't mind. I only spent 10, because I needed the other 7 milly for a downposit on that little Caribbean island we had our eye on.

Me: Well, sure, that's just good fiscal planning.

CW #3: Pardon me please, but just how does one make a "downposit?"  When I buy my island I'll need to know.

CW#2: Well, you need a good Realtor for one thing. I use Bob, you know, in Miami beach. Knows his stuff.

Me: Oh yeah, Bob, he's good. Sold me a little Isthmus last year.

(Much slightly hysterical laughter ensues.)

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