Wednesday, August 3, 2011

These borders

Oh lordy.  I head for northern climes sooner than I realized.  It crept up on me.  In a week I will be getting ready, packing up, and preparing to see my mom once again as we Amtrak it to Vancouver.

In an odd twist of fate, I'll be seeing the boyfriend's dad Friday for dinner. I love that guy. Geeky gamer, wise old railroader, staunch unionizer.  Seemingly completely physically devoid of any judgmental tissues in his entire body.

The up-to-max contrast between boyfriend's dad and my own mater, I thought, would make the trip to BC harder, but, knowing there are people out there with real life functionality in their parent-offspring relationship, functionality, mutual respect, sensitivity, all that, well, it gives me a corny kind of hope for my own. Shut up. I like corn.

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