Monday, September 24, 2012

Insert this trite overused pithy comment about sex change here

Getting a hysterectomy by accident: Check. It ain't exactly "Bottom surgery" but, check anyhow.

Changing name legally to one the world would generally consider a boy's: Check.

Changing DMV designation to reflect "M": Check. (well, soon as name change is done)

Next: Call IRS to see what is entailed in filing jointly because jeebiz after supporting my wife for years as the breadwinner but not being able to file jointly, I ask you: What has two thumbs and is tired of paying upwards of 6k extra in income tax because it looks like I'm single every damn year: this guy, good to meet you.

IRS Guy on phone: "Um, interesting question, I think that if you are legally married as a legal male and legal female, and the state recognizes the marriage, it's ok, but, um, let me send you to the Complicated Tax Problem team."  (No I'm not making that last bit up, they're really called that)

Me: "Um, thanks?"

So... umm... check?

1 comment:

  1. Leave it to you to get the IRS more confused than they usually are.
