Monday, March 26, 2012

This phisher

I recently received a phishing spam, as one does, and out of boredom and devilment I responded.  The results are below with the spam first. Please note: I used an anonymous email address unconnected to anything else on gmail to respond. I highly recommend against responding to sack-cheeses like this with your actual email address.  You could get some on you. Enjoy.

Royal Dutch Shell Group
Shell headquarters
Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2596 HR The Hague, The Netherlands

Postal address:
PO box 162, 2501 AN  The Hague, The Netherlands


We happily announce to you the Lotto Winning of the Royal Dutch Shell
Lottery, online promo held in March 2012. Your email address match
with Ticket Numbers: 7673899373ST with Serial Number: 779937/SN which
subsequently won you in the Lottery promo.

You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of $5,000,000.00
(Five Million USD) in cash.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from
Royal Dutch Shell Database worldwide, Royal Dutch Shell must have had
your contact from the purchase you have made or the entry of your data
on the masterlist relating to Shell or it's Petroleum/Gas Products.


To file for your claims, please contact the Fiduciary Agent:
Zonal Co-ordinator

Provide her with the below details for payment processing:
FULL NAMES:....................
AMOUNT WON:....................

Your Sincerely,
Online Co-ordinator ROYAL DUTCH SHELL LOTTERY International Sweepstakes

My response follows:

I am happily going with the Winning of the Royal Dutch Shell Lottery, with luck balls in!  On online held winnings I will be have of the promotion and I strongly wish that my email address matches with claim numbers that are generated from the promotion of the masterlist.  The elephant flies with a cigar, I'm sure, and so I'm worried that the matching with the claiming numbers might be not with the correct fiduciary appeasement of same.  Can you provide me with the correct widget, so that we can entry together with this process before the petroleum catches inflation? Thank you!

Pringle Frito, Esq.
Age 94
Occupation: State Panty inspector, #69
Telephone: 248-434-5508

Bonus Note:  That number? It's a Rick Roll. That is all. -JB

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